5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Recumbent Trike

Before purchasing a new recumbent trike it is important to consider the different factors that make these types of trikes unique. Consider what your needs and goals are before your purchase: are you looking for speed, comfort, ease in transporting the trike to-and-from trails? Are there medical factors to consider such as back or neck pain, or are you seeking more stability and balance than traditional trikes? There is a type of recumbent trike for you no matter what your needs are.
8 reasons a recumbent road bike is a good choice
They might look a little different, but despite what many people think, recumbent road bikes aren’t some new fad—they’ve actually been around since the late 1800s. Though they aren’t as mainstream as an upright bicycle, recumbent bikes are making a huge comeback in the cycling world. Over the last decade, more and more cycling enthusiasts have taken the plunge on a recumbent bike. Not sure if it’s the right option for you? Let’s dig into what a recumbent bike is and the 8 major reasons cyclists are making the switch.